Thursday, March 12, 2009

'In Relationships, When does the art of Compromise become Compromising?"

When we know something's toxic, bad for us, why is it we still even contemplate the idea of ingesting it, taking it in, being with it? When our mother told us never to talk to strangers, why is it we always somehow found ourselves talking to that overly friendly person that one day they weren't with us? Despite your inner musings, the red flags going off left right and centre, why is it love blinds us so? When in such deep love, should one have to give up any piece of themselves, however small that piece may be, to adapt and compromise for the sake of bettering the relationship? When you see a pattern and sirens start going off in the back of your head, alerting you, danger, danger... when that little voice inside you says "Run!! Run like you're running from a burning house!!" (which, technically, you are), why is it that other little voice, the stupid, naive, 4 year old in front of the tv watching the Little Mermaid & Cinderella over and over comes and says, "give it a chance!!" "it's different this time!"?

Where is it we draw the line? How much of ourselves (yes, the flawed parts, in case you were wondering.. or at least what's flawed to them) should we be willing to sacrifice to "start a life together"...

If you didn't like your respective boyfriend or girlfriend's say, friendliness with strangers, their inability to be unnecessarily rude to people who talk to them along the street you'd casually b ring it up to them, right? Mention it bothers you. Then hope for the best. But what if that's just who they are? They can't change that. They can try, oh can they ever try, but if its not harmful or detrimental to the relationship or the people involved, what's it matter?

When you are a couple, should EVERYTHING be done as a couple? Are girls' nights out abolished? Can a person never go to a party without their S.I.? I understand that yes, once you're married, most things will be handled & attended together. But what if one day a person goes somewhere without the other, for whatever reason? Should the other immediately take the road of revenge where they go out somewhere they KNOW you'd dislike them being... is it right? No. Is it FAIR? When they did nothing wrong at the place they went without the other. From that day forward its a game of "lets make everything equal". But yet they are still redeeming in their demeanor every other way, and every waking minute spent with them is worth more than gold- you think, shit, there's no way there's anyone else out there this similar to me, so much on the same page..

yet chapters away.

there will never be another like this.

Even though last time we learned, there was. This time you... I... whomever... really think otherwise.

When did shit get so fucking complicated?

This may all just be brain vomit. And it's not all about me, just FYI before you ask if i'm in an unhealthy relationship. But as an "adult" things are so much more complicated. As Carrie Bradshaw once wrote:

"When it comes to matters of the heart, did we have it right in high school?"

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