Friday, May 22, 2009

I've been tagged.

I refuse to tag anybody else though. Because I said so.

(I finally realize why parents use that-it's awesome)

Eight things I like:

* $$. I loooove it.
* Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. First Season, First four eps. Classic
* Seth Rogen
* MAKEUPP.. especially mac..
* Candy Apple Martinis
* Ketchup.
* When my little man pulls his "sexy pose" & pouts his little lip

Eight things I did yesterday:

* went to the gym
* ate my workout shortly thereafter with a delicious Turkey Bacon Club. All my American friends, seeing as this fabulous chain has decided to migrate south I suggest you all try it. Its fabulous.
* bitched
* Drank a shitload of water. I never drink that much water.
* Failed
* Heard about my crazy ass family punching each other and getting canes raised at them, then having my dad ask me to "take care of them". sure dad. sure.
* wiped Theo's butt.
* Ate toast with jam and butter, because I was trying to feel like I was eating an all day breakfast at Fran's.

Things I want:

* A career in stage
* to see what happens when you put an orange in the toaster
* Calorie-free Mcdicks
* lose 40 lbs
* piss glitter
* a car. with free insurance. and a lifetimes worth of gas for it. shut up its my survey.
. get rid of anxiety & ocd
* a new wallet. full of cash. full.

Things I dislike:

. yeast infections... is there anybody who likes these? (sorry men)
* macho tards
. achy calves. the kind on yer leg. not the kind that have udders.. if calves have udders.. like baby cows.. ANYWAY
* mess
* having to clean a mess
* furry "friends". ew.
* milk
* Coffee